This signature class is sure to boost positive vibes

Led by international wellness warrior Jessica Saltzer, RYT 200 | Yoga Alliance


Live yoga every Thursday 4pm PST


Live yoga every Thursday 4pm PST 〰️


Self-care Yoga

On Zoom


Benefits of this class:

-Body moves for 40 minutes, meditates for 20

-Can join from anywhere in the world | LIVE*

Yoga and Meditation will leave you feeling relaxed, grounded, and strong

The guided meditation portion of the class is a way to build confidence and a grounded emotional state that is crucial for well-being in an often hectic world. Come ready to deepen your wellness practice.

A catalyst for radical acceptance.
You'll focus on the foundation of your extremities, using yoga as the roadmap to arrive at a new perspective and what you believe to be possible for yourself.


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